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The MPS Society recognises the importance of its support services to families, children, young people and adults and its particular responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare of those who are vulnerable or at risk.

The welfare of a child or vulnerable adult is paramount whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religion or sexual identity and they have the right to be protected from abuse.

All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to immediately and the appropriate action taken. Where possible we will always inform individuals or families / carers that action is being taken.

What measures the Society puts in place to support and safeguard individuals

  • The Society has a duty of care towards the people we work with, to protect from harm. As part of its recruitment process we ensure that Enhanced DBS Disclosures are obtained for all staff, trustees and volunteers.

  • All staff, trustees and volunteers will be provided with a copy of our safeguarding children and vulnerable adults policy.

  • We provide clear internal procedures for identifying, reporting and dealing with any safeguarding concerns.

  • We provide effective training and supervision for staff, trustees and volunteers

  • We work collaboratively with local authorities and professional bodies to ensure best practice in the interest of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. This may include attendance at case conferences and safeguarding reviews.

  • All services / conferences / events will have a designated person with knowledge of the venue, risk assessments undertaken and protocols needing to be followed.

Download a copy of our safeguarding policy.